​I was born and raised in Tehran, Iran. I moved to the Washington, D.C. area in 1979 where I raised two children.
I love seeing things from the perspective of the East & the West: studying the history of Persian civilization and wondering in amazement at Persian art & culture, including the glorious architecture, turquoise tiles, the intricate art of Persian rugs and the aromas of this ancient world. In the 70s my community was very modern, so I wore miniskirts and studied political science. I had my eye on world affairs: the war in Vietnam, the mystery of China, the Cold War, the modern world of Europe & the US. Yearning to have a peaceful & just world filled my soul and kept my imagination soaring.

In 1991 I founded MIDEAST 2000, a non-profit dedicated to peace and human rights in the middle east by the year 2000. In 1995 I was awarded the PEACEMAKER OF THE YEAR for the national capitol area. After completing that project, I dedicated my life to supporting peace and understanding through art.
I started making collage - a great medium for my sense of creativity and adventure. Later on I discovered the magic of cutting steel and welding. It was love at first weld! I feel through my art. I am inspired by art and I hope I inspire others. My work has been in several shows, and has been featured multiple times in The Washington Post. I feel my work is unique and represents me. I like to create outrageous pieces that express my yearning for a just world and allow me to explore new subjects. I am honored to have shown my art at the National Museum of Women in the Arts, several juried art shows of the Washington Sculptors Group, The Zenith gallery and DC Art Center and others.